Francesco Asnicar-[SPEAKER]

    MSc.in Bio-informatics - University of Trento

    Visit My WebPage

    Educational background:
    High school in Information Technology (ABACUS) in 2008 at ITIS “V. E. Marzotto”
    Bachelor degree in Computer Science in 2012 at the University of Trento
    Master student in Bio-informatics at the University of Trento.

    Luca Masera

    MSc.in Bio-informatics - University of Trento

    Educational background:
    2004-2009: Scientic High-School Degree - "Liceo Scientico Tecnologico G. Galilei", Bolzano.
    2009-2012: Bachelor Degree in Computer Science - "University of Trento"
    Topics of interest:
    Distributed systems, Data mining, Bioinformatic

    Nadir Sella

    MSc.in Bio-informatics - University of Trento

    Educational background:
    Scientific high school - Niccolò Tron (Schio - Vicenza)
    Bachelor degree in Computer Science - University of Trento

    Paolo Morettin

    MSc.in Bio-informatics - University of Trento

    Educational background:
    BSc. in Computer Science at the University of Udine.
    Fields of interest: AI, bioinformatics, data management.

    Thomas Tolio

    MSc.in Bio-informatics - University of Trento

    Educational background:
    ITIS E. Fermi, Bassano del Grappa, perito capotecnico informatico (78/100)
    Università degli studi di Trento, DISI, LT in Scienze e tecnologie informatiche (89/110) .





